Monday, January 4, 2010

I don't know

'I don't know'
is an excuse
a way of saying 'I don't want to know'
or that I haven't bothered to
nor will I bother right now.

'I don't know'
is a closed door
slapped shut in your face
a way of avoiding further questions
A shrug that's a full-stop.

'I don't know'
is allowing confusion to stay,
vagueness to remain.
'I don't know' is an escape.

'I don't know'
can also be an admission of ignorance
a show of humility
like a parent saying
'I might not always know'.
a new beginning -
'I don't know yet,
but I'm willing to find out'.
'I don't know' is opening up
to the world of multiple answers

'I don't know'
can as much be a first step
as the last one.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I don't know what to say, Aku.:-) Except that...

Prerna said...

Yeah, to me 'I don't know' is, more often than not - 'I don't know, but hey, tell me!'

Domino said...

beautiful.....esp towards the end....

jay said...

Oh really its gr8 yaar.....i don know bt i think so....

Aasang Dixit said...

Lovely !

Sid said...

nice... somehow 'I don't know' has always been the escape route and the end for me :(

Áנคy Ŷשร said...

great one i should say

Aniket Thakkar said...

"I don't know" if you've kept mail alerts on, and are going to read this or not.

"I don't know" if you're the same Akanksha Thakore of NMs who took part in Mr & Miss MoodI back in 2003 with me.

"I don't know" if it sounds creepy to you, that I still remember you from back then, as I thought you should have won back then. Honest.

If you're the same Akanksha, then you had shown a couple of your poems to me back then, that inspired me to give it a shot too. Probably, thats the reason that I gave google a shot when your name cropped up on my ego-search:

In any case, you have a lovely blog and I hope you continue writing.

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