Monday, January 4, 2010

I don't know

'I don't know'
is an excuse
a way of saying 'I don't want to know'
or that I haven't bothered to
nor will I bother right now.

'I don't know'
is a closed door
slapped shut in your face
a way of avoiding further questions
A shrug that's a full-stop.

'I don't know'
is allowing confusion to stay,
vagueness to remain.
'I don't know' is an escape.

'I don't know'
can also be an admission of ignorance
a show of humility
like a parent saying
'I might not always know'.
a new beginning -
'I don't know yet,
but I'm willing to find out'.
'I don't know' is opening up
to the world of multiple answers

'I don't know'
can as much be a first step
as the last one.

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Creative Commons License
This work by Akanksha Thakore Srikrishnan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License